On the Rocks | Austin area High School Senior Photos

Today has been a frustrating day for me.  I am without a car because my husband’s car broke down and for some strange reason my phone has decided to become a paperweight. After fooling with it all morning and having no luck, I have decided to put it away, forget about the million times a day I look at it and do some work.

And then I remembered that I was going to show you some behind the scenes photos from the Trash the Dress Senior shoot! I have had them sitting here for ages and just kept forgetting to put them up.  So here they are! Warning, you may need to put on sun glasses – that day was the first time my legs had seen the sun in a looooong time!

on location senior session, dawn fry photo

Laying on the rocks – not sure why I had to have my foot up like that…

Here I am perched on the rocks across the falls from Courtney.  One of my assistants, Kim, is shooting behind me, and the other, Jen, is down in the water to the right relaying everything I say since Courtney can’t hear me over the rushing water.

on location in the water, senior sessions, dawn fry photo

In the water. Anything to get the shots! 😉

trash the dress water session, senior portraits

Most of the time I wear, at the very least, a white shirt to sessions. I want to be as light reflective as possible since often my subjects are facing me.  Wearing white bounces a little bit of light back into their eyes. When I left the house that day, my loving husband told me I looked like Don Johnson… What do you think? miami-778748Don’t answer that. 😉

At this point I was trying not to slip on that greenish stuff on the rocks (very slimy green alge) and fall off the edge. The drop off to the left of the picture was about 4 feet and there were lots of hard rocks down below.

in the water, trash the dress senior style, dawn fry photo

Here is a blurry shot of Jen. She got in pretty deep.

senior session, Jen Barnes

Many, many thanks to my 2 wonderful assistants! Without them the shoot would have been much more difficult!  Let me tell you – it was soooo much fun! Especially when I get images like this!

Senior Sessions, Trash the Dress, Dawn Fry Photo

More to come!

Thanks for looking,

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